PU4LYF introduces new 2020 Logo
#P for Passion, Perseverance, People, Pride, Paramount, Power and PU4LYF. The #P symbol is the monogram and the brand new face for the #PU4LYF.entertainment Movement. Throughout our decade of success, we have had massive organic support and love from our fans, our People. We Persevered through all our difficulties and obstacles to grow stronger as one. We have made our movement the Pride of our nation. We have put our heart and soul into the work we do. We give Paramount importance to the Passion and music we make. Perfection is what we aim for. Our brand has become Powerful and globally recognized. With that we Present to you #P, the new icon and the new face to the world from now on.
#P – 2020
#P is a registered trademark of PU4LYF Entertainment Sdn. Bhd. Unauthorized use is an infringement of copyrights, trademarks, or proprietary rights.